Sunday, June 20, 2010

im a "saw"

im such an asshole, fuck.
I should go back to being the quiet kid, the one who only said things if spoken to, who never spoke his mind and was super obnoxious, whos words werent venom and those words belittled and made others feel stupid,retarded, below, like an outcast. I wanna go back to being the quiet kid in the corner of parties, not the kid who didn't care what he said as long as he was heard, as long as he made his point, whether it was harsh or not. Who never said something just for a small chuckle at the expense at getting people pissed as fuck. Who never swore alot just to fit in.
I said I was gonna reinvent myself this summer, well I got alotta work to do, physically and mentally cause at the moment, im a wreck.

So to everyone i've hurt with something i've said, im genuinely sorry, from this point on i'll be better as a person. Feel free to hate, I don't blame you, I'll stay out of your life, it's probably best for you, not for me though.